Reflection on Progress in Clinical Correlations Course from Spring to Fall 2021

Content and focus: My presentations for class this semester included high yield information that I felt was relevant to the PANCE and development of our clinical judgement. I spent a significant amount of time researching information for the topics I was assigned to present on. In the beginning of the year, I would sometimes include too much information in my presentations and would often go over the time limit; this semester, I was able to keep my presentations to about 5 minutes. I used the best sources of evidence, like UpToDate, Osmosis, and previous class lectures for data and easy to understand diagrams.

Logic and flow: I was able to present my topics in organized and logical fashions throughout the year. This semester, however, I developed a rhythm for how to present diseases. For example, my presentation on peripheral artery vs peripheral venous disease included and went in the order of: pathophysiology, risk factors, signs/symptoms, how to diagnose, and treatment. 

Analysis: As we learned about more diseases over the year, I was able to formulate a wider range of differential diagnoses with each case. I’ve also noticed an improvement in recognizing and asking about red flag symptoms. Sometimes I did not think of certain etiologies for the patient we were working on, but that’s where my classmates and professors were very helpful. I learned a great deal through collaboration over the year, which is one of the foundations of the PA career.

Communication/collaboration: I contributed a significant amount to the discussions during class. I believe I demonstrated good listening and reflecting skills as well; this is because I learned so much from my classmates and professors over the 2 semesters by working as a team. Together, we were able to compile a comprehensive list of differential diagnoses and narrow it down as we attained more information about each individual case.

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