Ob/Gyn Site Evaluations

During my mid- and end-rotation site evaluations, I presented 3 comprehensive patient cases, 10 pharmacologic treatments, and a journal article. The cases included cholestasis in pregnancy, pregnancy after IUD displacement, and irregular menses. The journal article I discussed was a retrospective case control study on uterine structural abnormalities and demographics of patients with malpositioned IUDs. The pharmacologic cards I reviewed covered a wide variety of treatments including copper IUD, antibiotics, breast cancer tx, and others. The feedback I received was helpful; my professor was able to add important information in all parts of my site evaluation. He added interesting facts about some pharmacologic treatments and also started discussion on the journal article I presented. For my patient cases, he was able to answer some clinical questions I had that I forgot to ask at my clinical site. He also added some orders that I neglected to include for some of the patients. In the future I plan to do a more comprehensive job when coming up with plans for my patients.